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Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Amanda Vs. Pinterest Week 3

Week 3 - aka Daniel's birthday cake.  So my husband, is the one person on earth who doesn't like cake.  Now, I know what you're all thinking... how could I have married someone who doesn't like cake.  Well, it was VERY hard to overlook, but he was just that wonderful.

Anyway, yes, Daniel doesn't like cake.  So I have an inner struggle every year on his birthday of what to do.  If I make the cake, then I'm going to eat it all.  Yes, all of it.  Every. Last. Crumb.  I just can't help myself.  But if I don't make him a cake then I'm a terrible wife, traditions are broken, the shame of my family, Logan has a terrible childhood, etc.  So what's a girl to do?

Well, 2 years ago, I had a breakthrough.  One thing Daniel does love is ice cream and more specifically ice cream sandwiches.  So for his 26th birthday, I cooked up this gem:

No, the BBQ sauce does not go on the cake!
And he LOVED it!  But, he basically just ate the ice cream sandwiches and I was still left with the task of eating the entire cake below them.  So this year, as I was having my yearly debate with myself about the cake, I came across this wonder on Pinterest:

Wipe that drool off your face!
Ummm... duh!!  Forget the cake!  Just make an ice cream sandwich brick!!  So that's exactly what I did!  Here you go- Daniel's BEST birthday "cake".

Complete with 28 candles of course!
Pinterest is the OBVIOUS winner here (it's a no brainer, mine is all but falling apart), but I feel like the winner because I have finally, FINALLY solved the Daniel birthday cake conundrum- Thanks again Pinterest!  Now I only have to eat half of an entire box of ice cream sandwiches, a tub of Cool Whip, and a bag of M&M's - way better than an entire birthday cake!

Follow me on Pinterest!

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